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Image by Papaioannou Kostas

Mission Statement

Sarasota East-Enders for Responsible Development, Inc. A FLORIDA NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION 

The Sarasota East-Enders for Responsible Development ("SEERD") is a not-for-profit advocacy and watchdog organization made up of residents and business interests located within a one and a half mile radius of 8000 Bee Ridge Road. Its members and supporters in this medium density residential neighborhood characterized by nature preserves, parks and recreation facilities and conservation easements demand that future growth and development in our neighborhood strictly adhere to County policy, future plans and comply with established growth management ordinances to balance economic, social and environmental concerns that result in sustainable development. Such responsible planning and design that is deliberately coordinated with timely investment in public infrastructure and services is the only way to ensure that the characteristics of this unique neighborhood and its lifestyle are protected and property values preserved. 


The Purpose of SEERD is to educate, advocate, and represent the interests and rights of our local neighborhood. The goal is to ensure that any new development or improvements are consistent with and reflect the shared values of our members and protect the quality of life and safety of our neighborhoods. Our vision is to guard against disruptive noise, light pollution, and dangerous traffic patterns in our quiet and safe neighborhood. 

Membership is encouraged for anyone within our neighborhood who would like to join our cause as identfiied in our Mission Statement. 


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