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  • Writer's pictureSEERD Communications

Contribution Needed

After the Sarasota County Planning Commission ignored the myriad of reasons that they could not approve the application for Special Exception submitted for the property at 8000 Bee Ridge Road, essentially green-lighting the way for the County Board of Commissioners to do the same in their hearing on July 12th, we at SEERD feel it necessary to change our message to all of you who support us.

While we are thankful to all who have donated, it has become clear to us, through public comments from the Planning Commission members themselves, that neither our voices of dissent are of interest to them, nor are they adhering to the rules and regulations of our County government.

We are hiring lawyers and media consultants, engaging CPA’s and insurance companies to protect our leadership and volunteers, and otherwise providing an infrastructure that will make it possible to mount as a next step an Administrative Appeal before the County Zoning Board as soon as the approval for Special Exception for The Classical School is granted by the County Board of Commissioners on July 12th.


We have the rules and regulations of Sarasota County on our side, but the merits of our case will be better judged through the help and expertise that can only be provided by credible expert representation.


In order to show our hand, we have to pay for a seat at the table.


We have only a few weeks to marshal our forces. If we do not raise $40,000.00 before the 12th of July, we will not be able to carry on the fight.


We have approximately 800 people who signed our petition to show opposition to this Special Exception. Over 20,000 people will be affected by this decision. We will be stronger with a broader and more vocal constituency.

Talk to your neighbors, and give them our website address.

If you have not donated yet, please do so. If you have already donated, please consider doing so again. If everyone who signed our petition would have donated $100.00, we would have already hired all of the experts we need and solidified the winning coalition necessary for this fight.

Do not let this opportunity pass. We will not get a second chance.


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