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Meet Our Next District 1 Representative to the Sarasota County Board of Commissioners

Fruitville Branch Library, 100 Apex Road, Sarasota

Friday August 2, 2:30-4:30

The Sarasota East Enders for Responsible Development (SEERD) would like to invite residents of the Bee Ridge neighborhood and its surrounding communities to join us to get the latest news about development impacting where we live and work. We will then introduce and hear from one of the candidates running for the Sarasota County Commission seat representing District 1, Alexandra Coe who is focusing her campaign on what responsible development involves, why it matters and what she will do if elected to the Sarasota County Commission.  

Volunteers from SEERD, a 501 (c) (4) not-for-profit organization will first review the status of The Classical Academy's (TCA) site development plan as it seeks to consolidate its school operations at the Bee Ridge Road campus and what we are doing to ensure proper and timely mitigation of its likely impacts. We will also discuss issues surrounding the recent sale and rezoning of five acres that belonged to Bayside Church and the development of another shopping center adjacent to the existing Publix neighborhood shopping center. We will also update residents on what is happening with planning and development at Hi Hat Ranch to our east and 3H Ranch south of us along Clark Road.  Then we will turn the mic over to Alex to get her perspective on the uncontrolled growth that Sarasota is experiencing and what can be done to balance economic, environmental and social concerns that hold the key for sustainable development and quality of life. 

The meeting is scheduled to take place at the Fruitville Branch of the Sarasota Public Library, 100 Apex Road, Friday, August 2 from 2:30-4:30 in the large meeting room.    

Since the room can accommodate no more than 80 persons, we request that you RSVP to me at no later than July 29th.

We hope to see you there!

Miles Toder Ph.D.

President, Sarasota East Enders for Responsible Development


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