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Reminder: August 2, 2024, Community Meeting 2:30-4:30 @ The Fruitville Branch Library Meeting Room Organized by SEERD

Just a reminder of our upcoming meeting this Friday that is intended to update Bee Ridge residents on the development encroaching on our neighborhood and discuss what we can do to mitigate its undesirable impacts.

First and foremost, we will have the latest on the site development plan and ongoing "improvements" being carried out by The Classical Academy with County approval and supervision. We are very concerned about the health, safety and welfare of the students, teachers and surrounding Bee Ridge residents. We will share with you our latest findings and, with your support, raise questions that need immediate answers.

We will have information about several other new and highly impactful developments to our east, south and at the Bee Ridge-Lorraine Road roundabout that we need to think about and voice our concerns to ensure that negative impacts are properly addressed and mitigated.

We will also hear from Alexandra Coe, candidate for the District 1 seat on the Board of County Commissioners to replace Mike Moran. As a longtime resident and elected representative on the County Charter Commission, Alexandra is very aware of the challenges facing the County when it comes to growth management, building and development as well as good governance. She has fresh ideas and plans to listen to all of her constituents, not just those seeking to profit off of building and land development.

There is still time to RSVP. Please contact me to reserve a seat at We look forward to seeing you there on Friday.

Miles Toder

President, Sarasota East Enders for Responsible Development (SEERD)


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