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  • Writer's pictureRoger Zacks

Some Thoughts About Analytics

I'm sure some of you have been to a religious service at some time when the speaker's topic was the poor attendance of the congregation. As a youngster I often chuckled to myself, because the people that the message was directed to were those who weren't there. This is not a House of Worship, and I am not the leader of your congregation. I'm simply pointing out that we rarely get a chance to speak directly to "those who are not there". I'm trying to do just that by addressing everyone today that signed the petition against SE 1874.

Here are some analytics that modern technology makes possible in regards to our website, and I think it says a lot about the way we think:

- 995 people signed the petition against SE 1874.

- 12 people volunteered to help us at SEERD with their own talents and areas of expertise.

- 175 people have donated money to finance our cause - many of them, more than once.

I am not particularly suited to lead this organization through my life and work experiences. I took this on because I believe in what we are doing, and because the people that I know that are better suited for this simply do not have the time to pursue this with the vigor that they have come to expect from themselves.

I know it is annoying to be regularly bombarded with exhortations to donate. I can also tell you that it is frustrating, humbling, and a bit disappointing to author them. Usually, I try and wait until I have something new to tell you, in the hope that it will help you see that your donations lead to progress. This is the third time I have pestered you all for donations in the last 14 days. We have raised a total of $4,500.00 in that time.

Those of you that know something about fundraising will be pulling your hair out as you read this.You know that this is not how experts raise money. Those that know better have cautioned me at just about every attempt I have made to acquire donations, because I've not been slick enough, or I've been too forceful, or I use the wrong catch-phrases when writing you. Nonetheless, 175 of you have read my posts, listened to your heart, and have supported us, not because of, but in spite of my bumbling efforts. This post is aimed at those of you that my words have not really reached.

I believe in common sense, and I think most, if not all of you do, too. We needed money to set up this organization. We needed funding to hire legal representation and engineering experts to launch a resistance movement. We needed funding to launch an appeal.

The appeal process has begun. Although at first glance it doesn't seem like much, the fact that our appeal was not rejected as frivolous shows that it has merit. The improper actions taken by TCA in moving modular classrooms onto the property they are leasing clearly violates code. This shows that they have no respect for the ideals that they espoused at both public meetings, regarding their intentions of being good and open-minded neighbors, and they have no intention of respecting the rules of governance as they apply to all of us who live here.

I understand that most of you have neither the time nor the expertise to successfully combat this. That's why we hire experts. The appeal itself has been filed. The work that goes into the appeal process has barely begun. It needs to be financed.

Do the math: 995 - 175 = 820. There are at least 820 of you that might consider donating for the first time. This is the first time I am appealing directly to you. Please do not let 175 of your neighbors and friends carry your weight.


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