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The Sarasota East-Enders for Responsible Development (SEERD) has been working tirelessly, gathering and distributing information, and preparing for the fight against irresponsible development that could harm and permanently change the character of the Bee Ridge neighborhood and its communities as we know it. 


We are now at the point at which our effectiveness will depend upon our success in organizing and raising funds for legal and other professional expertise, along with the necessary communications, accounting, and filing fees and a host of additional costs associated with our mission. 


Please consider donating your time, skills, and financial support. Even the smallest amount could make the difference between success and failure. 


Although we intend to fight irresponsible development far into the future, our immediate fundraising goal is to meet our budget for the remainder of 2023, which is $60,000.00. To meet the current financial obligations with law firms, insurance, and other companies to provide the necessary infrastructure for our organization, time is of the essence.


Over $20,000 has been donated thus far!

Reaching our legal defense goal will likely depend on generous donations from several benefactors.

Thank you for helping us make a difference!

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